
我的世界万圣节鬼怪包降临 主机版鬼怪包正式启用

来自:4399蕾米 | IP:福建 | 浏览:2989 | 2016-10-26 | 举报



| MC鬼怪包


The Halloween Mash-Up features a custom-built world for you to haunt, replete with a uniquely terrifying texture pack. You can get into the spirit of things by donning one of our Campfire Tales skins: from mythical monsters to horrible hauntings and other strange sightings, this supernatural skin pack is the ideal way to frighten friends this Halloween. And if your desire for devilry is not yet sated, try out the wicked new map for the Battle Mini Game - and give your friends a real nightmare!

万圣节整合包有一个困扰你的定制世界,非常独特的恐怖材质包。 你可以通过它穿上我们的篝火故事皮肤:从童话怪物到可怖鬼魂和其他奇怪的目击,这个篝火故事皮肤包是在这个万圣节吓唬朋友的理想方式。 如果你的魔鬼欲望还没有安定下来,试试这邪恶的新战斗地图 - 并给你的朋友一个真正的噩梦!

Creeping onto Console in the shadow of this uncanny pack is Battle Map Pack 4, featuring three magnificent new maps. Slink through the deserted snowbound science base of Dig, slog it out amid the over-sized furniture of Shrunk and hoedown before you showdown in the dusty Frontier.

在这个神秘包中包含了主机版的对战地图包4,内有三个宏伟的新地图。潜行通过掘地的冰雪科学基地,在渺小打破巨大家具中从中逃脱 和 在昏黑的边境打败敌人。

We’re also launching the Builder’s Pack today: a superb starter pack for anyone interested in becoming a master of construction on Console Edition. It bundles together six impressive packs: Biome Settlers Skin Pack 1, Candy Texture Pack, Cartoon Texture Pack, Pattern Texture Pack, Plastic Texture Pack and Greek Mythology Mash-up. Cor!

我们今天还推出了一个建筑师大礼包 :让有兴趣在主机版上称为建筑师的朋友有一个好的开始。他包含了6个优秀材质包:群落定居者皮肤包1,糖果材质包,卡通材质包,纹理材质包,塑料材质包和希腊神话整合包。 酷儿!


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